Who to blame…

We met when we are so little to understand anything about life, we can say that we where in period of exploring the new.

We didn’t really understand what we got ourselves into until we were all broken never to be put back together.

Love of God and Jesus Christ

In my ways we seek the love of God but we forget that God is love on His own.

He said I loved you before the world knew you and set you apart.

Your His own creation, created in His own image and gave you dominion over everything on earth.

Despite of how much you sin, He loves us anyway and makes sure to bring us to the right path.

We sadden Him in many of our ways but he looks after us with love and care like a fire burning everything that obstructs us. He makes the impossible, possible .

His love for us made Him give up His own dear life just to bring us back to His family.